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Teacher Bi-Weekly Progress Report Form

Please fill out the form bi-weekly to track your student's progress.

1. Student Engagement

How engaged is the student in the activities and learning tasks for the week?

Engagement Level:
1 = Very disengaged
2 = Somewhat disengaged
3 = Neutral
4 = Somewhat engaged
5 = Very engaged

2. Student Interest in the Challenge

How interested is the student in the project or design task this week?

Interest Level:
1 = Very low interest
2 = Low interest
3 = Neutral
4 = Somewhat interested
5 = Very interested

3.Skill Development (3D Pen Use and Design)

How well is the student progressing in learning and applying the skills related to 3D pen use and design creation?

Skill Development:
1 = Struggling significantly
2 = Needs considerable improvement
3 = Making progress
4 = Proficient
5 = Excelling

4. Emotional and Behavioral Changes

Any noticeable emotional or temperamental changes during the week, such as frustration, stress, or excitement?

Emotional/Behavioral Response:
1 = Very negative behavior/emotion
2 = Somewhat negative behavior/emotion
3 = Neutral
4 = Somewhat positive behavior/emotion
5 = Very positive behavior/emotion

5. Social Interaction and Collaboration

How well does the student collaborate and interact with peers during group work or tasks?

Collaboration Level:
1 = Very poor collaboration
2 = Needs improvement
3 = Neutral
4 = Good collaboration
5 = Excellent collaboration

6. Areas of Improvement or Support Needed

If applicable, note any specific areas where the student may need additional support or intervention

Areas for Improvement:
Struggling with engagement
Needs more assistance with skills/technique
Emotional regulation support
Needs help with social interactions
Other (please specify) [Text Box]

7. General Observations or Notes

Any additional information regarding the student’s progress, challenges, or successes

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